Since my last entry, I haven't moved. I'm still in the Finca Magdelena on the Island of Ometepe, enjoying the tranquility of this place and just taking it easy... Really, really easy. Maybe a bit too easy.
Anyway, I've met some really cool people here - Spaniards, Swiss, Swedish, French, Canadians and Quebekers, Germans, Dutch - and I have ever more contacts for my upcoming adventures. Some rather strange folks came in last night, some New Agey types from a "commune" in Costa Rica. They're mostly Israeli and seem super flakey to me. That, combined with the very high price tag of "living in harmony" (25 dollars a day, with no income), has convinced me to steer clear of that little experiment. However, these New Agers are giving me some things to think about in terms of my own plans for community, especially about the relationship of money to the community and how it affects who is able to join the community.
Tommorrow, I'm going to head with a Swedish friend, Marcus, to another part of the island for a little while, and after that I think I'll start making my way out. I wouldn't be suprised if I were in Costa Rica by mid-week. But I've learned not to put any trust in my own expectations.
A tale of Latin American adventure.
Hola! Ya leí algunas publicaciones que has hecho a tu página... no había tenido tiempo de hacerlo, de hecho sí había tenido tiempo, pero no encontraba la dirección que me habías dado alguna vez...
Está muy chido todo lo que has escrito... bueno, la mayoría. Es interesante.
Cuidate. Un saludo.
I was at the Finca Magdelena a few years ago and I think it was one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
I just had to say that.
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