Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Today, Andy and I arrived in La Fortuna, near the volcano Arenal, one of the more spectacular active volcanoes in Central America. We took civilian transport, which ate up the majority of the day, but which only cost around $3. We avoided the tourist transport, which, while being a number of hours faster, costs around $25. I felt it a good investment of time versus money. Fortunately, the road between Monteverde and La Fortuna has been repaired since I last travelled it and is now bearable, as opposed to hellish.

My stated objective here in La Fortuna is to make a trip to the El INVU school, to pick up the luggage that I left there. I figure that the day after tommorrow I'll head to San José and prepare for my flight back home to Mexico City.

The food here is good and the prices are more reasonable than I expected, especially if one does not want to see any sights or go on any tours (but why else would one come to Costa Rica?). To my pleasure, I'm able to stay here in La Fortuna for only $5 a night and pay only around $3 per meal at a restaurant. When my sleepiness and hunger are satisfied, I rarely complain.


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