So, it's Saturday evening and I'm still in León. But I have good reason. Yesterday I began working as an artisan. I am making bracelets and hope to figure out how to make necklaces soon, as well. Incredibly enough, the only good materials in Central America are to be found in Costa Rica, so I've only got two colors of weaving string, black and white, and before using them I have to scrape them all down to get off the excess wax. But, in the end. It works. I'm definitely going to pick up a variety of colors when I get back to Costa Rica, however. I am staying here in León over the weekend, and mabye even a little longer, to consult more with the artisans who live here in my hostel and learn more from them, although I think that, at this point, I can figure most of it out on my own.
This is phase two of my Three Point Plan to become a self-sufficent adventurer. Phase one was to get certified as an English teacher (although, in truth, the Three Point Plan did not exist when phase one was underway). Phase two, the one I am currently engaged in: Learn how to make artisans' works - bracelets, necklaces, etc. - of a quality that can be sold for decent prices. Phase three will take place, I hope, when I get back to Mexico, and it involves learning how to play the guitar.
The reasoning behind these three phases is that, having completed them, I hope to be able to be self-sufficent wherever I am. I have met several people here in Central America that make jewlery for a living and travel on that money. I believe that singing at bars or on the street could bring in money. And English, in Latin America anyway, is always a sure bet. The downside to English is that, many times, it ties me to a place for longer than I might like. Anyway, with these three skills, I think I'll have a good start towards independence.
A tale of Latin American adventure.
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