Yesterday I moved into my first apartment. It's a nice little place, with door-like, opening windows facing the street. It can be slightly noisy, but nothing compared with Mexico City. It has a bathroom, shower (no hot water), a bed and a large room. One could say that it is a "mini-apartment." But it's sufficient for what I need. It costs 1350 pesos per month (more or less $110), plus the same amount in deposit, which makes me nervous. It's expensive by local standards, especially as I'm living alone which is almost unheard of for folks my age, but it is a great location - just two blocks from the city center.
I'm content with everything except that it doesn't have hot water and doesn't have a stove. However, once I have a little bit more money (once I get a job), I'm going to buy a little gas burner for 20 bucks and a cylinder of gas. Then we'll be set.
But that's the thing... Money. I feel really stupid, because, looking at my financial statement that I just recieved, I've exceeded the original agreed-upon amount of loan that I set up originally. I, apparently, reached my limit at the end of my Central American trip. Everything since then has been savings. And I don't have much. If I can't find work this month, I'm going back to the United States and getting a job. I have to be realisitic about this; I can't be living off of other people's money my entire life.
I can't stand this.
A tale of Latin American adventure.
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