Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I leave tommorrow morning for Tegucigalpa. Eduardo, it appears, committed his guitar to someone and has to stay to wait for its safe return until Saturday; we'll meet in Tela (Northern Honduras) on Sunday or thereabouts, however. I'm definitely sad that I won't be travelling North with him, because I'm not big on border crossings and I would have preferred company. However, I will hopefully survive the border crossing and make it up to Hondura's capital to stay a night tommorrow evening. After that, I'd like to make my way to Omoa, where I'll chill out a few days at the beach and wait for Eduardo to catch up.

I'm making a lot of progress on my crafts, and, considering that I've only been at it a few days, I think I'm doing very well. Last night I made a "floral" pattern for myself, and I think it's the best design that I've seen for a bracelet. Once I get good materials in Costa Rica, I'm convinced that I should be able to start making some money from this, because I really am producing some really quality products.

Note: The fact that my posts are getting progressively more boring is a good indication that it's time for me to move on. Tegucigalpa, here I come!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm so happy for you. It sounds like you are learning a lot and sharing a lot at the same time. I am sure everyone you come in contact with grows in knowledge just like you.


9:56 PM  

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